Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Bathroom Blogfest '08 - Recapping The Details

As just published in Bathroom Blogfest '08 - Final Recap of Cleaned Up Spaces, I am happy to share with you a recap of all posts from this year's event:

Stephanie Weaver:
+ Forgotten Spaces: The 2008 Bathroom Blogfest continues,
+ Forgotten Spaces Day 2,
+ Forgotten Spaces Day 3 and
+ Forgotten Spaces Day 4

Susan Abbott:
+ Customer Experience Crossroads: Forgotten Space Blogfest - 2008 version

Maria Palma:
+ Bathroom Blogfest 2008: Creative Public Restrooms.

Claudia Schiepers:
+ 3 American toilet things to hate

Carolyn Townes:
+ Bathroom Blogfest '08: Toilets and WCs

Becky Carroll:
+ Bathroom Blogfest '08: Hawaiian and Venetian [sort of].

Katia Adams:
+ Blogfest '08 - Cleaning Up Forgotten Spaces Around Us

Shannon Bilby:
+ Floor Talk Invited to Participate in Bathroom Blogfest with WearDated
+ Bathroom Blogfest ‘08 - Cleaning Up Forgotten Spaces Around Us
+ “Bathroom Blogfest ‘08 - Cleaning Up Forgotten Spaces Around Us”
+ Quick Tips for Cleaning Bathrooms

Julie Hirt, Christine Loose and Jo Brown at Kohler Talks:
+ Wine Corks to Clean Cast Iron Sinks
+ The Clean Look of a White Bathroom
+ The "Other" Jo The Plumber

Marianna Hayes:
+ What would momma say if she knew I was participating in "Bathroom Blogfest '08 - Cleaning Up Forgotten Spaces Around Us"?
+ Reading Material anyone?
+ The "Family Restroom" Experience

Elizabeth Hise and C.B. Whittemore:
+ Bathroom Blogfest '08 - Cleaning Up Forgotten Spaces Around Us
+ Bathroom Blogfest '08 - Potty Parity
+ Bathroom Blogfest '08 - How Hotels Inspire Me
+ Bathroom Blogfest '08: Great Flooring Store Examples
+ Bathroom Blogfest '08 - Art of Living
+ Bathroom Blogfest '08 - Recap

Sandy Renshaw:
+Can you believe it? It's time for Bathroom Blogfest '08

Iris Shreve Garrott:
+ Bathroom Blogfest 2008 Best Tips
+ When You Care Enough to Clean the Very Best
+ Hidden Behind Forgotten Customer Spaces

Lolly Borel:
+ Bathroom Blogfest ‘08 - Cleaning Up Forgotten Spaces Around
+ Shop till you drop! (but don’t drop when you shop…)

C.B. Whittemore:
+ Announcing Bathroom Blogfest '08: Cleaning Up Forgotten Spaces Around Us
+ Bathroom Blogfest 2008: Trends in Bathrooms
+ Bathroom Blogfest '08 - A Place For Luxury
+ Bathroom Blogfest '08 - Fear and the Bathroom
+ Bathroom Blogfest '08: Dressing Rooms
+ Bathroom Blogfest '08 - Art & Shoppertainment
+ Bathroom Blogfest '08 - Advertising.

In addition to the Bathroom Blogfest Community, many thanks to:
+ David Reich for Put the Seat Down.
+ Darryl Orht for blog while you lay a log.
+ David Polinchock for Facebook The 2008 Bathroom Blogfest - Cleaning Up Forgotten Spaces All Around Us and Thrillist : SitOrSquat.

Thank you to Kate Rutter for having such relevant photos available on Flickr.

We promoted the Bathroom Blogfest more heavily in 2008 via a Facebook event. In fact, I added links to all of this year's posts there as well as to Twitter using the #ladiesrooms08 tag.

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Walk In Bathtubs said...

very nice blog!

Anonymous said...

The Tips by Iris Shreve Garrott were much helpful to the wide audience. Thanks for this post.

- Herman Swan
plumbing supplies

CB Whittemore said...

Walk In Bathtubs, rnbresearch and Herrman Swan, thanks for your comments.

Herman, I'm glad you enjoyed Iris' tips. I found them fantastic!