Friday, October 29, 2010

Do De Rubber Duck: Bathroom Blogfest 2010

For this the final day of Bathoom Blogfest 2010, I thought I would share with you my very favorite Bathroom themed song sung by Ernie of Sesame Street Fame: Do De Rubber Duck.

[Also available by clicking on Do De Rubber Duck on YouTube.]

Hmmm, I wonder if this means that Woodstock is around the corner?

If you have a chance also check out The Art of the Toilet Paper Roll. You'll be inspired and amazed.

Happy Bathroom Blogfest 2010!



mobile restrooms said...

Funny, i wonder what year this was because it looks like a retro up to date bathroom the the background!

CB Whittemore said...

mobile restrooms, that's a good observation! and I don't know the answer. Thanks for commenting. Hope to see you again next Bathroom Blogfest!
