What a terrific start to the 4th annual Bathroom Blogfest with a slew of fascinating posts and tweets all around the subject of Bathroom Blogfest and #ladiesrooms09. Here are highlights from Monday 10/26's posts:
Flooring The Consumer announced details of her [my] retail experience Kaboom contest
Simple Marketing Now shared a recap of Liane Evans' presentation at the MarketingProfs Digital Marketing Mixer in Chicago where she blends social media and search for greater marketing impact.
Experienceology posted Bathroom Blogfest 09 with marvelous insights and visuals that compare two visitor experiences. What would you do differently to brand yourself?
My 2 cents described Going on the Go.
Importance of Earnest Service covered the Service of Paper Towels in Public WCs
Circulating wrote about the Mystery on Our Hands and Iris also shared marvelous cartoons in honor of the Bathroom Blogfest 09:
+ Scorekeeper
+ What is the most important question you can ask your customer?
Professor Toilet described a free independent testing to measure bulk removal in Flushing this economy will take more than the average toilet.
Julie's Cleaning Secrets discussed Adventures in Potty Training
From The Floors Up announced its participation in the Blogfest and details on the contest it is conducting this week!
Lindaloo shared a dramatic facility facelift
My Big Bob's Blog announced its participation in this year's Bathroom Blogfest.
KB Culture posted Noir Boudoir...
You can follow the Bathroom Blogfest via Twazzup and #ladiesrooms09 on What the hashtag?!
Stay tuned for more....
Happy Bathroom Blogfest '09!
~ C.B. Whittemore
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